British Drill Instructions

Moderator: Ike Godsey

British Drill Instructions

Beitragvon Ike Godsey » So 28. Dez 2014, 12:14

Ike Godsey
Beiträge: 1055
Registriert: Sa 8. Dez 2012, 14:40
Wohnort: königreich bayern

von Anzeige » So 28. Dez 2014, 12:14


Re: British Drill Instructions

Beitragvon Ike Godsey » So 28. Dez 2014, 14:25

Albert hat geschrieben:Ich bin ja kein Militär....aber dazu habe ich eine Frage: Auf den Schautafeln stellt der Schütze das Gewehr schräg neben sich auf den Boden.
Schaue ich beim Drill der Truppen (wohlgemerkt....ich beobachte britische Truppen und die paramilit. Einheiten in meiner Szene) zu, sehe ich und habe erlernen müssen, dass es nicht abgestellt wurde, sondern frei an der linken Seite hing.
Sicherlich ist es korrekt, was die von Ike gezeigte Drill-Vorschrift aufzeigt...aber was geht mir da durch den Kopf?
Wer schafft hier Klarheit?

Welche Truppe?
Welche Zeit?

Aus dem Bauch heraus würde ich mal folgendes annehmen.

Die Menschen damals (sagen wir zwischen 1700 und 1750) waren von der Statur her kleiner als der durchschnittliche Mensch heute.
Die o.g. Zeichnung ist mit "ca. 1745" gekennzeichnet. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte man in der britischen Armee die sog. "Long Land Pattern" als Bewaffnung für Infantery und Grenadiere.
Diese Waffe war 158cm lang.
Bei einer Durchschnittskörpergröße von 1,70m kann ich mir gut vorstellen, dass man eine Muskete gerne schräg stellt um diese korrekt laden zu können.

Meine Long Land und meine franz. 1728er sind beides Waffen mit ca. 160cm. Ich selbst bin über 185cm, und auch ich stelle eine solche Muskete schräg zum Laden.

Aber wie gesagt, es ist eine Annahme...
Ike Godsey
Beiträge: 1055
Registriert: Sa 8. Dez 2012, 14:40
Wohnort: königreich bayern

Re: British Drill Instructions

Beitragvon Pat » So 28. Dez 2014, 16:30

Moin ihr beiden,

mir geht es wie Albert. Ich habe auch aus dem Bauch heraus gedacht das die Kolben nicht aufgesetzt werden. Allerdings, auch hier geht es mir wie Albert, habe ich keine Zeitangaben dazu. Vielleicht ist das aber auch etwas das nur Armee Darsteller machen ohne das es historisch korrekt wäre.

Gruß Pat
Profoß der North West Company
Ich kann nix dafür, ich bin so.
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Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 12:54
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Re: British Drill Instructions

Beitragvon Pat » So 28. Dez 2014, 23:27

Nun..Youtube ist nicht gerade eine Quelle der ich traue. Nachdem ich deinen Link angesehen hab, lieber Albert, surfte ich etwas auf Youtub rum und sah ein halbes Dutzend Rotrockdarsteller die den Kolben auf den Boden stellten beim Laden. Wie gesagt, Youtube ist keine Vertrauenswürdige Quelle, denke ich.

Gruß Pat
Profoß der North West Company
Ich kann nix dafür, ich bin so.
Beiträge: 490
Registriert: Mo 8. Feb 2010, 12:54
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: British Drill Instructions

Beitragvon Ike Godsey » Mo 29. Dez 2014, 14:31

Nun, ich musst erst mal den Brechreiz unterdrücken als ich das laß das Gott den König Georg schützen solle....

Aus meiner Sicht - ich bin weiß Gott KEIN Militär! - gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten:

1) die obige Bilddarstellung ist ungenau gezeichnet
2) die der Drill änderte sich mit der Zeit

Aus meiner praktischen Erfahrung im Musketenschiessen sag ich euch eines: Das halten der Muskete in der linken Hand während des Ladens ist OK für den 1. oder auch 2. Schuss.
Selbst wenn man eine Brown Bess (.75 nominal) mit einer .69er Rollkugel lädt, ist das "in der linken Hand vom Boden weg halten" der Muskete ab dem 3. Schuss Utopie. Denn das sog. "Fouling" verjüngt einen Lauf so, dass beim Laden mit dem Ladestab man i.d.R. immer auf mehr oder weniger Widerstand stößt. Spätestens ab diesem Zeitpunkt ist es Essig mit dem "über den Boden halten" der Muskete.

Und die Amis setzen eh auf:
Ike Godsey
Beiträge: 1055
Registriert: Sa 8. Dez 2012, 14:40
Wohnort: königreich bayern

Re: British Drill Instructions

Beitragvon Ike Godsey » Mo 29. Dez 2014, 17:33

Albert hat geschrieben:Biste sicher, das die aufgesetzt haben? Bei 3:77min....war Bewegung in den Rifles.
Naja...warten wir mal ab, was die Drill-Experten des Forums dazu sagen/äussern....wenn überhaupt!

In diesem Forum sind die meisten so maulfaul, dass sie es nicht mal über die Tastaur bringen den anderen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest zu wünschen - und da erwartest du ernsthalft, dass sich hier noch einer äußert? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Albert hat geschrieben:Und....mach dir mal nicht dein Fräckchen voll, wenn es um Britisches Recht geht! Entweder vollziehen wir die Zeit korrekt nach( worauf du ja allergrößten Wert legst).....oder sollten wir in deinem Sinne uns das "abgewöhnen"?
Paaaaah! Niemals!

Was hat das eine denn mit denm anderen zu tun?
Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, dann haben die Bauern aus den Colonien die Herren Briten wegen dem britischen (Steuer)Recht aus dem Land geworfen - oder etwa nicht?
Ike Godsey
Beiträge: 1055
Registriert: Sa 8. Dez 2012, 14:40
Wohnort: königreich bayern

Re: British Drill Instructions

Beitragvon Ike Godsey » Di 30. Dez 2014, 00:03

ich antworte darauf mal damit, dass ich mich selbst zitiere. aus dem vorstellungs-thread:

was diesen hanoveraner betriff der in england auf dem thron sitzt und meint in den highlands etwas zu sagen zu haben, mit dem will ich nichts zu tun haben! eigentlich mit keinem dieser könige und kaiser und wie sie alle heissen! ich bin in die neue welt gekommen um damit abzuschliessen, frei zu sein. unser prinz, charles edward stuard of appin wurde geschlagen und lebt nun im exil in dem land dessen könig louis XV. sein versprechen nicht hielt und uns jacobiten seit 1745 im stich ließ! nein, mit königen bin ich fertig!

und was heisst hier "...eins auf die nase bekommen haben..."??
DU warst ja nicht mit dabei, damals am 16. April 1746 in Culloden Moor. Ich habe gesehen, wie die britischen Regulars Verwundete und Gefangene ja teilweise sogar Margetenderinnen mit Bajonetten niederstochen - zu hunderten!
Und damit nicht genug! Sie jagdten die braven Clansmen durch die Highlands und durchforsteten alle Crofts, schmissen die Weiber raus, zerstörten ihr hab und Gut, schlachteten das Vieh ab, legten Feuer und liesen sogar Kinder verbrennen.

Britisches Recht? Danke - aber nein Danke!

Wenn ich in dem hier aufkeimenden Krieg zwischen Engländern, Franzosen und Indianern zur Muskete greifen muss, dann nicht für einen König, sondern nur und ausschliesslich dafür, dass wir auf dem kleinen Stück Land in freiden leben können - genauso wie meine Nachbarn das auch tun. So wie jeder in unserer Milizeinheit!
Ike Godsey
Beiträge: 1055
Registriert: Sa 8. Dez 2012, 14:40
Wohnort: königreich bayern

Re: British Drill Instructions

Beitragvon Jäger Ferdinand » Di 30. Dez 2014, 13:03

Moin, wünsche zunächst allen, ein schönes Weihnachtsfest gehabt zu haben! Hoffentlich haben Euch allen die Gänse, Wildschweine, Reh- oder Hirschkeulen oder was auch immer reichlich geschmeckt und Ihr habt unter dem Weihnachtsnbaum mit Euren Lieben ein paar schöne Tage verbracht.

So, jetzt aber zur Sache:

Anbei eine Abbildung aus dem Werk

"Der wohl exercirte Preußische Soldat, oder vollständiges Preußisches Manuale : Zum Nutzen aller derjenigen welche diese Kriegs-Kunst entweder selbst erlernen, oder andere darinnen unterweisen wollen; Ganz neu ans Licht gestellt und mit saubern und dabey nothwendigen Kupfern gezieret"

Der Verfasser Johann Conrad Müller ist ein Schweizer, der einige Jahre in der preußischen Armee als Musketier gedient hat und davon so beeindruckt war, dass er nach seiner Rückkehr in die Schweiz im Jahre 1759 selbiges Buch geschrieben und als Grundlage der von ihm ausgebildeten und kommandierten Stadtsoldaten seiner Heimatstadt verwendet hat.

Wie man auf dem Bild sieht, wird die Muskete beim Laden nicht abgesetzt. Selbiges entspricht demnach preußischem Reglement zur Zeit des Siebenjährigen Krieges und dürfte damit in Deutschland allgemein so gehandhabt worden sein.

Ob selbiges aber auf die Franzosen und Briten übertragbar ist, ist natürlich zweifelhaft - könnte aber erklären, warum die verschiedenen Reenactmentgruppen, die ja häufig beieinander abgucken, auch dieses Exerzierelement übernommen haben.

Freue mich, zur allgemeinen Verwirrung beitragen zu dürfen :D


Jäger Ferdinand
(267.44 KiB) 23-mal heruntergeladen
Zuletzt geändert von Jäger Ferdinand am Di 30. Dez 2014, 18:44, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Nec aspera terrent!
Jäger Ferdinand
Beiträge: 108
Registriert: So 6. Feb 2011, 17:26
Wohnort: Fürstentum Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel

Re: British Drill Instructions

Beitragvon Ike Godsey » Di 30. Dez 2014, 14:08

Ich hab da auch noch was gefunden:

1764 Musket Drill in the British Army

1. Poise your Firelocks!
1. Seize the Firelock with your right Hand, and turn the Lock outwards, keeping the Firelock
2. Bring up the Firelock with a quick Motion from the Shoulder, and seize it with the left Hand just above the Lock, so that the little Finger may rest upon the Spring, and the Thumb lie upon the Stock:The Firelock must not be held too far from the Body, and the left Hand must be of an equal Height with the Eyes.

2.Cock your Firelocks!
1. Turn the Barrel opposite to your Face, and place your Thumb upon the Cock, raising the Elbow square at this motion.
2. Cock your Firelock, by drawing your Elbow down, placing your Thumb upon the Breech Pin, and the Fingers under the Guard.

3. Present!
1. Step back about six Inches to the Rear with the Right Foot, bring the left Toe to the Front; at thesame time the Butt End of the Firelock must be brought to an equal Height with your Shoulder, placing the left Hand upon the Swell, and the Fore-Finger of the right Hand before the Tricker, sinking the Muzzle a little.

4. Fire!
1. Pull the Tricker briskly, and immediately after bringing up the right Foot, come to the Priming Position, with the Lock opposite to the right Breast, the Muzzle the Height of the Hat, keeping it firm and steady, and at the same Time seize the Cock with the Fore-Finger and Thumb of the right Hand, the Back of the Hand turn'd up.

5. Half Cock your Firelocks!
1. Half bend the Cock briskly with a draw back of the right Elbow, bringing it close to the Butt of the Firelock.

6. Handle your Cartridge!
1. Bring your right Hand with a short Round to your Pouch, slapping it hard; seize the Cartridge, and bring it with a quick motion to your Mouth, bite the Top well off and bring the Hand as low as the Chin, with the Elbow down.

7. Prime!
1. Shake the Powder into the Pan, Placing the three left Fingers behind the Hammer, with the Elbow up.

8. Shut your Pans!

1. Shut your Pan briskly, drawing your right Arm at this Motion towards your Body, holding the
Cartridge fast in your Hand, as in the former Position.
2. Turn the Piece nimbly round to the loading Position, with the Lock to the Front, and the Muzzle the Height of the Chin, bringing the right Hand behind the Muzzle; both Feet kept fast in this Motion.

9. Charge with Cartridge!

1. Turn up your Hand and put the Cartridge into the Muzzle, shaking the Powder into the Barrel.
2. Place your Hand, closed, with a quick and strong Motion, upon the Rammer.

10. Draw your Rammers!
1. Draw the Rammer with a quick Motion, half out, seizing it at the Muzzle back-handed.
2. Draw it quite out, turn it, and enter it into the Muzzle.

11. Ram down your Cartridge!
1. Ram the Cartridge well down the Barrel, instantly recovering and seizing the Rammer back-
handed at the Center, turning it and enter it as far as the lower Pipe, placing at the same Time the Edge of the Hand on the Butt End of the Rammer, with Fingers extended.

12. Return your Rammers!
1. Return the Rammer, bringing up the Piece with the left Hand to the Shoulder, seizing it with the right Hand under the Cock, keeping the left Hand fast at the Swell, turning the Body square to the Front.

13. Shoulder your Firelocks!

1. Quit the left Hand and place it strong upon the Butt.
2. Quit the right Hand and throw it down the right Side.

14. Rest your Firelocks!
1. Seize the Firelock with the right Hand, turning the Lock outwards.
2. Raise the Firelock from your Shoulder, and place your left Hand with a quick Motion above the Lock, holding the Piece right up and down in both Hands before you, and your left Hand even with your Eyes.
3. Step briskly back with your right Foot, placing it a Hand's Breadth distant from your left Heel, at the same Time bring down the Firelock as quick as possible to the Rest, sinking it as far down before your left Knee as your right Hand will permit without constraint; your left Hand at the Feather Spring, and your right with Fingers extended held under the Guard, taking care to draw in the Muzzle well towards your Body, and to dress in a Line with the Butt-End.

15. Order your Firelocks!
1. Place your Firelock nimbly with your left Hand against your right Shoulder.
2. Quit the Firelock with the right Hand, and sinking it at the same Time with your Left, seize it at the Muzzle, which must be of an equal Height with your Chin, and hold it close against your right Side.
3. Lift up your right Foot and place it by your Left; at the same Time throw back your left Hand by your left Side, and with your Right, bring down the Butt-End strong upon the Ground, placing it even with the Toe of your right Foot; the Thumb of your right Hand lying along the Barrel, and the Muzzle kept at a little Distance from your Body.

16. Ground your Firelocks!
1. Face to the Right upon your Heels, and at the same Time turn the Firelock so that the Lock may point to the Rear, and the flat of the Butt-End lie against the inside of your Foot, at the same Time slipping the right Foot behind the Butt of the Firelock, the right Toe pointing to the Rig ht, and the Left to the Front.
2. Step directly forward with your left Foot about as far as the Swell of the Firelock, and lay it upon the Ground, your left Hand hanging down by your left Foot, and your Right kept fast with the Butt-End against it.
3. Raise yourself up nimbly, bringing back your left Foot to its former Position, keeping your Body faced to the Right.
4. Face again to the Left upon your Heels and come to your proper Front, letting your Hands hang down without Motion.

17. Take up your Firelocks!
1. Face to the Right upon both Heels.
2. Sink your Body down, and come to the Position described in the second Motion of Grounding.
3. Raise yourself, and Firelock, bringing it close to your right Side.
4. Come to your proper Front, seizing the Firelock at the Muzzle, and come to the Order.

18. Rest your Firelocks!
1. Slip your right Hand down the Barrel as far as the Swell.
2. Raise the Firelock high up in a perpendicular Line from the Ground with your right Hand, and
seize it with the left above the Spring, the Cock the Height of the Waist-Belt.
3. Step back with your right Foot, placing it behind your left Heel, and come to the Rest.

19. Shoulder your Firelocks!

1. Lift up your right Foot and place it by your Left; bring the Firelock at the same Time to your left Shoulder, and seize the Butt-End with the left Hand, keeping it in the same Position as above described.
2. Throw your right Hand briskly back.

20. Secure your Firelocks!
1. Bring the right Hand briskly up, and place it under the Cock, keeping the Firelock steady in the same Position.
2. Quit the Butt with the left Hand, and seize the Firelock with it at the Swell, bringing the Elbow close down under the Lock: The right Hand kept fast in this Motion, and the Piece still upright.
3. Quit the right Hand and bring it down your right Side, bring your Firelock nimbly down to the
Secure; the left Hand in a Line with the Waist-Belt.

21. Shoulder your Firelocks!
1. Bring the Firelock up to a perpendicular Line, seizing it with the right Hand under the Cock.
2. Quit the left Hand, and place it strong upon the Butt.
3. Quit the right Hand, and bring it smartly down the right Side.

22. Fix your Bayonets!
1. Bring the right Hand briskly up, and place it under the Cock, keeping the Firelock steady in the same Position.
2. Quit the Butt with the left Hand, and seize the Firelock with it at the Swell, bringing the Elbow close down under the Lock: The right Hand kept fast in this Motion, and the Piece still upright.
3. Quit the right Hand, and bring the Firelock smartly down to the left Side with the left Hand, as far as it will admit without Constraint, seizing the Bayonet at the same Time with the right Hand, and fixing it, placing that Hand just below the Brass, with the Piece kept close to the hollow of the Shoulder.

23. Shoulder your Firelocks!
1. Quit the right Hand, and bring up the Firelock with the Left, seize it again under the Cock with your Right, as in the second Motion of the Secure.
2. Quit the left Hand, and place it strong upon the Butt.
3. Quit the right Hand, and bring it down the right Side.

24. Present your Arms!
As explained in the three Motions of the fourteenth Word of Command.

25. To the Right Face!
1. Bring up the Firelock, with a quick Motion high before you, till your left Hand comes even with your Eyes, with the Fingers of that Hand extended along the Stock, just above the Feather Spring. The right Foot to be brought close up to the Left Heel in this Motion.
2. Face to the Right, taking care in Facing to hold the Firelock right up and down, and steady in your Hands.
3. Step back with your right Foot and come down to your Present.

26. To the Right Face!
As in the foregoing Explanation.

27. To the Right About Face!
As in the foregoing Explanation, coming to the Right about, instead of to the Right.

28. To the Left Face!

1. Bring the right Foot briskly to the Hollow of your Left, with the Firelock in the same Position as in the first Motion of facing to the Right.
2. Face to the Left.
3. Come down to your Present.

29. To the Left Face!
As before.

30. To the Left About Face!
As before, coming to the Left about, instead of to the Left.

31. Shoulder your Firelocks!

As in the two Motions of Explanation nineteen.

32. Charge your Bayonets!
1. As in Explanation one.
2. Bring the Swell of the Firelock down strong upon the Palm of the Hand, turning upon both Heels to the Right, the right Hand grasping the Piece at the Small behind the Lock, and as high as the Waist-Belt: The Firelock upon a level, with the Barrel upwards.

33. Shoulder your Firelocks!

1. Bring up the Firelock to the Shoulder, place the right Hand upon the Butt, bringing the Feet
square to the Front.
2. Quit the right Hand, and throw it down the right Side.

34. Advance your Arms!

1. & 2. as in Explanation one.
3. Bring the Firelock down the right Side with the right Hand, as low as it will admit without
Constraint, slipping the left Hand at the same Time to the Swell, the Guard between the Thumb and Fore-Finger of the right Hand, the three last Fingers under the Cock, with the Barrel to the Rear.
4. Quit the left Hand.

35. Shoulder your Firelocks!
1. Bring up the left Hand and seize the Piece at the Swell.
2. Come smartly up to a Poise.
3. & 4. Shoulder.

Hier als .pdf: http://militaryrevolution.s3.amazonaws. ... 4Drill.pdf
Zuletzt geändert von Ike Godsey am Di 30. Dez 2014, 14:11, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Ike Godsey
Beiträge: 1055
Registriert: Sa 8. Dez 2012, 14:40
Wohnort: königreich bayern

Re: British Drill Instructions

Beitragvon Ike Godsey » Di 30. Dez 2014, 14:10

Und die Franzmänner machen das offensichtlich so:


Chargez – vos armes

(Load- ARMS)

First motion

58. Half face to the right, on the left heel, placing at the same time the right foot square behind the left heel, the buckle resting against that heel: turn the firelock with the left hand, the lock outwards, at the same time, seizing the small stock with the right hand, the firelock being detached from the shoulder, and supported perpendicularly, on the palm of the left hand remaining under the butt.

Second motion

59. Sink the firelock into a slanting position with the right hand, the left meeting and seizing it at the swell, near the tail pipe, the thumb of the left hand pointing upwards along the swell; the butt under the fore part of the right arm; the breech and small- stock resting against the body, two inches nearly under the right nipple or breast; the top of the barrel as high as the eye; the guard turned a little outwards; the left elbow supported on the side at the haunch; the thumb of the right hand against the top of the pan-steel [frizzen], above the level of the flint; and placed there at the moment when the firelock is thrown into the slanting position; the four fingers of the right hand shut; and the right arm, from the elbow to the wrist, lying along the butt.

Ouvrez – le bassinet
(Open – PANS)

60. Throw open the pan with the thumb of the right hand, the left hand resisting and holding the piece firmly; apply the right hand to the cartridge-box, by retiring the right elbow, and passing the hand between the butt and the body; and open the cartridge-box.

Prenez – la cartouhe
(Handle – CARTRIDGE)

61. Take the cartridge between the two fore-fingers and thumb, and carry it to the mouth, ready for the teeth to act, the right hand passing between the body and the butt.

Déchirez-la cartouche


62. Bite off the top, to the powder, holdng the cartridge firm where the powder has been uncovered, between the thumb and two fore-fingers; sink down the cartridge, holding it perpendicularly against the pan, the palm of the right hand turned towards the body, and the right elbow supported or leaning on, and against the butt.



63. Sink forward the head, and look down to the pan in filling it with powder; press close the top of the cartridge at the opening, between the thumb and fore-finger; raise the head, placing the right hand behind the pan, and hold the little finger, and the third finger firm against the back of the pan.

Fermez-le bassinet

64. Hold the firelock firm with the left hand; shut the pan close and firmly with the two last fingers, holding always the cartridge between the thumb and two fore fingers; seize immediately the small stock with the two first fingers and palm of the right hand; keep the right wrist close to the body, and the elbow pointing to the rear, and a little detached from the body.

L’arme – a Gauche


First motion

65. With the right arm smartly stretched, without lowering the right shoulder, swing round the firelock to the left thigh, against the whole length of which the butt must bear strongly, turning, at the same time, the ramrod towards the body, openly and letting the piece slop through the left hand, as far as the middle pipe, the lock resting on the thumb of the right hand; face, at the same time, to the front, turning on the left heel, carrying the right foot forward, the heel resting against the buckle of the left.

Second motion.

66. Quit the firelock with the right hand, sinking it with the left along and near the body, raising, at the same time, the right hand within two inches of the barrel, to the top of it; let the butt fall to the ground without striking against it with any degree of shock; and let the left hand, holding the firelock as described, rest against the body, under the level of the lowest waistcoat-button, the musket in contact with the left thigh, the sight on the barrel, opposite to the middle line of the body.

Cartouche- dans le canon

(Cartridge – into the Barrel)

67. Glance to the upper end of the barrel; turn smartly the out or upper side of the right hand towards the body, in order to discharge the powder into the barrel-mouth, for this purpose, raising the elbow as high as the wrist, shake the cartridge in turning it into the barrel, and leave the hand reversed, the fingers closed, without pressure.

Tirez – la baguette


First motion

68. Lower, smartly, the right elbow, and seize the ramrod betwwen the thumb and forefinger bent, keeping the other fingers shut; draw the ramrod smartly by extending the arm, with the whole of the fingers opened out; seize it back-handed, at the middle, with the fore finger and thumb, the palm of the hand outwards; turn it quickly between the bayonet and the body, at the same time closing the fingers upon it, the ramrods of the men in the centre and rear ranks, in turning, grazing the right shoulder of the man in the rank before them in the same file; the ramrod forming no angle with the line of the barrel, and parallel to the bayonet; the arm extended; the eyes looking upwards; and the thick end of the ramrod must thus be kept opposite to the mouth of the barrel, without being entered into it.

Second motion.

69. Enter the thick end of the ramrod into the barrel, and insert it as far as the hand.


(Ram down- Cartridge)

70. Run up the right hand to the full extent of the arm, to the top of the ramrod, without letting it fall into the barrel; seize it with the thumb opened along it, and the fore finger bent; the other fingers being shut; drive it forcibly into the barrel, ramming home twice; seize it again by the small end, between the thumb and fore finger, both bent, the others being shut; and let the right elbow be close to the body.

Remettez-la baguette
(Return- Ramrod)

First motion

71. As in the first motion of drawing ramrod, bring the small end of it opposite to the upper, or trumpet-pipe, and hold it there without entering it.

Second motion

72. Introduce the small end into the pipe, and slide it into its place; raise the right hand quickly, and place it, somewhat bent, one the upper end of the ramrod.

Portez vos armes

(Shoulder- Arms)

First motion

73. Raise the firelock with the left hand, along the left side, the left hand as high as the shoulder, and the left elbow not parted from the body, keeping the barrel outwards; and sink down the right hand in order to seize the firelock at the small stock.

Second motion

74. Raise the firelock with the right hand; let the left hand fall to seize and support the butt, carrying buack, at the same time, the right heel to the side of the left, and in the same alignment; support the firelock against, and at the left shoulder, with the right hand, in the position pointed out in describing shouldered arms; and let the right hand touch the small stock at the breech, without pressing against it.

Third motion

75. Let the right hand fall to the right thigh, hanging there, as already indicated.

Apprêtez-vos armes
(Make – Ready)

[Editor’s note. At this point the drill is different for each of the three ranks of soldiers. Reproduced here is only the standing position of the second rank. The first rank is a kneeling position and the third rank is a side step position to get as close to second rank as possible before firing.]

First motion
As in the first motion of loading [Load- Arms].

Second motion

79. Bring the firelock with the right hand before the middle of the body; place the left hand with the little finger touching the feather spring, and the thumb, as high as the chin, pointing upwards along the wood of the stock, the brass plate opposite to the lock being turned almost towards the body, and the ramrod towards the front of the battalion; and apply, at the same time, the thumb of the right hand to the head of the cock, the forefinger under, and against the guard, and the three other fingers joined to the first.

Third motion

80. Sink down, smartly, the right elbow, cocking, at the same time, and seize the firelock at the small stock.


81. Sink down, smartly, the muzzle of the piece, flipping the left hand along the stock, as far as the tailing pipe; apply the butt to the right shoulder; let the muzzle be below the level of the eye a little, and the right elbow kept lowered, without being pressed against the body; shut the left eye; look along the barrel with the right eye; sink forward the head towards the butt in order to level; and place the fore finger on the trigger.


83. Apply, with force, the first finger on the trigger, without lowering or turning the head more, and remain in that position.”
Ike Godsey
Beiträge: 1055
Registriert: Sa 8. Dez 2012, 14:40
Wohnort: königreich bayern


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